Make a success of your commitment to become debt free. Choosing free debt consolidation requires financial discipline, proper guidance and making a choice of the right debt consolidation company.
How To Get Started?
Start by seeking free debt consolidation help. Some non-profit organizations and debt consolidation companies provide you this help.
What Constitutes A Good Debt Consolidation Program?
Look out whether the free debt consolidation program provides you the following:
# A simple and workable payment schedule.
# A lower interest rate than what you are currently paying
# A consolidation of all your debts including credit card debt consolidation
# Effective coordination by the debt consolidation company with your creditors.
It is also worthwhile to check out the credentials of your credit counseling agency. Find out whether they:
# Provide customized solution to your debt problems
# Guarantee confidentiality of their services
# Are having certified counselors
# Are accredited by a well known agency
# Educate you on various loan options
# Handle and protect your funds properly
Other Handy Tips
1. Free debt consolidation may require that you do not take out any additional credit. This is generally an essential part of any debt consolidation program.
2. Converge on your final debt consolidation company by careful research and homework. Analyze several companies thoroughly.
3. Provide accurate information to protect your credit rating
4. Use budgeting tools to manage your finances
What Are The Various Budgeting Tools?
Some of the budgeting tools that can prove handy to you are:
1. Price comparison calculator (Compare prices of various products and services)
2. Savings calculator (Allows you to calculate how much you can save)
3. Work sheet planner (A good way to assess how much you can spend)
4. Debt to income calculator (An important ratio that measures what you owe against your income)
You will come across many advertisements that claim offering free debt consolidation programs. The newspapers and the internet are flooded with scores of such ads. The benefits these ads claim are sometimes too good to be true. Remember when companies advertise debt consolidation, it generally means free counseling or advice at the first instance. All subsequent services will have to be paid for. Many payments will be cloaked under various heads such as voluntary contributions, application fees, hidden percentages, one time fees, etc. So look out and tread carefully before you hook on to any company for debt consolidation.
Opt for free debt consolidation to avoid falling into a debt trap. However, if you are already in a debt trap for any reason, take help from a debt consolidation company and make a disciplined commitment to become debt free. Some companies even offer free debt consolidation help although such genuine companies are one in a dozen. But nothing is impossible if you put your heart and soul into it; find a reliable company for yourself via the internet to get credit card debt consolidation loans and become debt free.